Agenda - Client Profiles - Call Reports - Contacts - Document Management
Find your daily agenda first when opening the Tools box
Record client profiles and call reports integrating their required actualization or client instructions into your daily agenda
Maintain your client profiles and automatically update your contact data and mailing functionality
Import your clients strategic asset allocation from the Asset Allocator Tool
Use the document management functions to handle your communication needs more efficiently
Manage your range of required documents, contracts, marketing communication, standard letters, invoice formats, etc.
Easy to learn, straight forward to use and compliant with your regulator’s requirements, a CRM that just and only does what it is meant to do
Combining Swiss legal data protection standards with state of the art and latest server technology, encryption and exceptional password protection requirements
Fully manageable by Advisor licenses, granting read only access to Compliance licenses
Subscribe to this Tool in combination with the Asset Allocator, or enjoy it together with all other or only selected single Tools of your choice
Asset Allocator
Find the appropriate asset allocation for single and/or multi-currency portfolios according to the most important strategic parameters
Note that currency diversification will be reflected in the equity column only, as international equity exposure compensates best for currency fluctuations
Simulate and integrate changing economic and market environments with tactical overlays
Expand the traditional strategic and tactical asset allocations by introducing non-traditional instruments or hedging operations
Determine the required cash flow of an investor and match the required minimum capital with his asset allocation
Export your investor’s strategic asset allocation to the client profile, a crucial element of the Client Relationship Management Tool (CRM), or import CRM data to obtain congruent client profile/asset allocation results
Subscribe to this Tool only, or enjoy it together with all other or only selected single Tools of your choice
Strategic Parameters
Reference currency (USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, JPY)
Acceptable currency diversification
Risk capacity, measured by investment volume, investments as percentage of total assets and desirable investment horizon
Risk propensity, measured by acceptable risk and reward expectations
Investment experience
Tactical Overlay
Interest rate trend
Inflation rate trend
Equity market trend
Expansion into Non-traditional Asset Classes
Private equity
Hedge funds
Other assets like structured products, commodities, real estate holdings etc.
Hedging operations for all asset classes including currencies
StratValue Proprietary Scoring
Avail yourself of analytical expertise with a proprietary scoring model that supports sustainable medium and long term investment performance. Enjoy results provided by StratValue LLC with its proprietary methodology or with the same scoring process you apply by subscribing to the Dynamic Relative Value und Growth Scoring Tools. View the respective Tool description for more information
StratValue LLC's Reference Portfolios Out-Performance
The following table shows ten, five and three rolling years out-performance and covers USD, EUR and CHF portfolio composites compared to the DJIA, EuroStoxx50 and SMI indices. The active-passive strategy includes equal or half weighting for stock positions and up to one third of index funds. Its bottom-up diversified selection of large caps with high alpha potential is not concerned with tracking error considerations. The selection is based on the previous year's 4th quarter StratValue Scoring results, and positions do not change during the calendar year
These data do not constitute an advice or solicitation regarding the selection of or transactions in financial instruments. Please bear in mind that past performance is no guarantee for future results and that StratValue LLC itself does not engage in asset management, neither for private nor for institutional clients. StratValue LLC, however, offers expert supervision of the services of Wealth Management providers on behalf of their clients.
Überschuss Renditen gegen Indices | DJIA | EuroStoxx 50 | SMI |
2003 - 2012 2004 - 2013 2005 - 2014 2006 - 2015 2007 - 2016 2008 - 2017 2009 - 2018 2010 - 2019 |
48.33% 69.64% 79.00% 81.21% 75.84% 82.54% 161.53% 186.01% |
58.90% 75.50% 57.02% 46.51% 36.13% 40.41% 94.44% 113.28% |
82.17% 88.28% 112.42% 82.09% 63.77% 65.58% 89.42% 85.33% |
2003 - 2007 2004 - 2008 2005 - 2009 2006 - 2010 2007 - 2011 2008 - 2012 2009 - 2013 2010 - 2014 2011 - 2015 2012 - 2016 2013 - 2017 2014 - 2018 2015 - 2019 |
13.83% 6.53% 17.37% 18.62% 12.70% 20.06% 63.40% 43.22% 42.00% 49.94% 37.61% 28.60% 54.56% |
30.36% 11.53% 15.57% 9.65% 7.77% 18.96% 60.68% 36.14% 40.16% 39.22% 19.27% 19.12% 49.42% |
27.43% 10.42% 33.49% 35.50% 25.13% 28.54% 65.46% 44.76% 27.79% 31.26% 24.19% 10.37% 17.82% |
2003 - 2005 2004 - 2006 2005 - 2007 2006 - 2008 2007 - 2009 2008 - 2010 2009 - 2011 2010 - 2012 2011 - 2013 2012 - 2014 2013 - 2015 2014 - 2016 2015 - 2017 2016 - 2018 2017 - 2019 |
2.58% 7.00% 13.86% 3.64% 8.08% 9.14% 15.26% 16.93% 27.27% 31.54% 23.22% 10.31% 13.98% 16.04% 35.51% |
15.95% 34.24% 23.10% -1.67% -1.24% 4.28% 22.54% 29.17% 31.58% 21.42% 11.05% 7.30% 14.96% 13.31% 32.30% |
-3.87% 10.31% 32.73% 8.67% 11.55% 15.51% 34.69% 29.16% 17.48% 17.64% 8.96% 12.65% 14.06% 3.90% 6.23% |
Subscriber’s Dynamic Relative Value and Growth Scoring Tool
Get clear perspectives on a companies’ sample from different angles based on important fundamental data, compare results under value or growth criteria
Analyze fundamentals and their dynamics, score their relative results and consider key market factors before investing
Put numbers into visualized perspectives for better investment decisions by positioning individual results within their industry groups and markets or indices
Obtain the basics for a disciplined, systematic, consistent, structured and informed long term equity investment process and enjoy a professional presentation standard
Update company data on a quarterly basis to allow for a dynamic relative scoring of the most important ratios and key figures
Easy to learn, straight forward to use and simple in its updating and data maintenance process
Fully manageable by Analyst licenses, read only access for Advisor licenses
Comply with your regulator’s requirements, record investment recommendations for the entire advisory and asset management staff
Subscribe to this Tools only or to the Scoring Tool with data provided by StratValue according to its proprietary methodology, and/or other Tools of your choice
Main Functions
Get forced rankings of fundamental data within a chosen company sample over a five year time line (Gross Revenue, EBITDA, Net Income, Earnings per Share, Dividends per Share, Dividend Yield)
Include selected market factors into these rankings (PE, PEG, Volatility, Consensus Opinion, Price Trend vs. Market, Industry Group Rotation)
Produce single criterion or full company report presentations with tables/graphs
Benefit from the analyst monitoring function to supervise the relevance and quality of the recommendations
Financial Calculator
A financial calculator at your fingertips with all necessary frequently used functions
The Calculator is free of charge and included in any subscription of Tools
Provides you with definitions of the most commonly encountered and used terms in finance with links to synonyms and related terms
Calculate examples of frequently used concepts in finance
The Encyclopaedia is free of charge and included in any subscription of Tools
These are links to your providers of market information, research data, custodian as well as broker dealer services and computer based compliance consulting and educational tools of your choice to complete your Tools based office platform with the necessary back office and execution functionalities
The Administrator manages these links on behalf of the users
These links have no interface for integrated or common functionalities with the StratValue Tool box